Monday, October 26, 2009

Classroom Observation

I think we are supposed to send the date, time and location of the classroom observation to Blog, right? I saw this info from the guidance sheet in Blackboard. Here is mine:

Course: AAE 251—Construct an HoQ for the design of a Massively Multi-player Online Game for Learning Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Design.

Equipment: one laptop, an extra keyboard, one project, seven laser pens.

Participants: five students. This is a small group project. This group was assigned to a room to do group activity. They could communicate with others and access course resources in an online game environment. They also had a TA to help out in the room.

Location: ARMS B197

Time: 1:30pm-2:20pm on Oct. 23, 2009

I wrote two pages observation notes on how they used House of Quality to design the online game. It is very interested to see how the team operated and how they made decision as a team. I was there 20 minutes early, and I had some informal conversation with students, which was pretty helpful for my reflection.

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